These are the stories of Richard J J Bridle. They begin in the English West Country but then take us to almost every corner of the world, introducing us to some of the most unique characters ever to grace our attention.

Who knows, who can guess where it all might end?

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My hypothesis was that this was just the sort of establishment our politicians and hangers-on were eagerly awaiting, somewhere that they could host friends and enemies alike, butter them up, get them drunk, wheel and deal to their hearts’ content.
— Paul Passchen
Guns are dangerous. People end up dead for all the wrong reasons, when there are guns around.
— Inspector Fatima Dieng
Now when I get worried, I usually need a drink. Actually, even when I’m not worried, I still like to have one.
— Max Maartinesz
I am sure it will be no surprise that my preference is to read about civilisations and their works, rather than to spend my time wandering around them.
— Lillian Selby
Let’s all give praise to the male ego. Perhaps we can spend the rest of the evening getting melancholically drunk on gin, instead of doing something.
— Henriette Sarr

© Richard J J Bridle